Unexpected Blessings

Through the turns that life unexpectantly takes you on, people come and go. There are people that come running through life's storms, help out, but come and go....

Not quite a month before Brendan passed away, we met his current girlfriend. We liked her right off the bat.

Getting to know Vanessa over this last year has been an unexpected Blessing....She is very thoughtful, takes ALL OF US as we are. Enjoys our Chaos now.....she has come around.

We mention something and she pitches in, surprises us with something that we have longed for.....We have done some fun things over the past year with Vanessa coming along. Green Beer for St Pats Day, Bingo nights, sunflower shirts, birthdays, bean bags,

The If onlys set it.....For now, I am thankful to have her in our life!


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